MA-242-02: Calculus III, Summer 2019
Location: 105 Ricks Hall
Time: MTWThF 10:20AM – 12:30PM
Office Hours: 4121 SAS Hall
Tuesday, Thursday 12:30AM – 1:30PM
“Mathematician: Here are the theorems which describe n-dimensional space.
Physicist: Well I only care about 3-dimensional space.
Mathematician: Okay, then substitute n=3”
Richard Feynman, on the difference
between Math and Physics
Outside Resources
Paul's Online Math Notes​: Calculus III
Detailed lessons and example problems on all 3rd semester calculus topics. Slightly cringy 2002-era html website, but a fantastic resource nonetheless.
Khan Academy Multivariable Calculus
This youtube playlist covers all the essential topics of the course. It is great if you are an auditory learner – Sal Khan is a fantastic orator. The order of the videos does not match the order of our course perfectly, so you might have to hunt around to find the video you want.
A computational knowledge engine that will put your TI-89 to shame. Just type in plain english "graph z=log(x^2 + y^2)". Experiment with this to get a handle on 3D surfaces. Does not work for plotting vector valued functions (chapter 2). For plotting curves in 3D space use this tool instead.