Assistant Director of Communication, Education and Outreach
Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology
Visiting Assistant Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D, Applied Mathematics
North Carolina State University, 2020
B.S., Mathematics
B.A., Spanish
Tulane University, 2015

I am currently Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics in the Georgia Tech School of Mathematics and Assistant Director for Communication, Education and Outreach at the Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB). I believe in the power of mathematics as a a tool for empowerment and discovery in an increasingly quantitative world. In my teaching at Georgia Tech, I make the experience of the doing mathematics real and human for my students. In my four semesters at GT, I have been routinely featured on the CIOS Honor Roll for teaching excellence and was recently distinguished as one of two small-classroom instructors to earn the Student Recognition in Teaching Excellence award for my pilot course on computational mathematical biology (MATH 4755).
With SCMB, I lead the organization of our keystone convening research Symposia, Undergraduate Modeling Accelerator, and community outreach events. I also hold a leadership role with regard to the assessment of center success.